Friday, May 22, 2009


*Pink Panther theme in the background*
No I'm not Crusso I'm Rahat (yeah, I picked that name for you) m not rahat m THE MYSTIC , M 21 but i act like a 4 yr old and m Mayra long lost BF... she lost me Venice u see!! Bad Bad Mayra!!

So tc ppl

(He posted the whole thing with a name that even kareena kappor could make out was his. So I reposted the whole thing with the name Rahat. Dont forget, sweetchums, NO REAL NAMES.)

PS: If you dont like the name Rahat change it to anything but you-know-what. Even chunky pandey will do but NO REAL NAMES.

PSS: Stuff in Italics is added by Mayra.


Mused back